Our Compliance

Our Health and Safety obligations

Cleanix understands our Health and Safety obligations. We use CleenSafe, a full health and safety work kit that enables us to work safely, protecting our personnel, our customers and the public.

CleenSafe contains a set of tools that allow our team members to demonstrate that they are addressing their health and safety obligations at each work site. Most importantly, CleenSafe provides simple and practical tools to assist our team with meeting their health and safety requirements.

Every Cleanix team member is in possession of their CleenSafe Safety Work Kit. It is required that each team member undergo personalised training by our operation supervisors to comply with official health and safety guidelines. The operations supervisors spend their time on-site to ensure this is a smooth transition and all the health and safety expectations are met.

Our CleenSafe Safety Work Kits contain:

Emergency Plan

Each Kit contains a clear and easy to read document, instructing workers and others in the area about what should be done in an emergency.

Reporting & Investigation Forms

These necessary forms are a critical component of our health and safety systems.

Hazards Notice Board

A highly visible Hazards Notice Board is placed at the cleaning premises to warn passersby of common hazards.

Induction & Training Information

All personnel are properly inducted onto the cleaning site, and they receive specific Health and Safety training and upskilling as part of the CleenSafe safety work kit.

Hazard Register

This all-in-one register includes a list of Hazards, their Effects and Controls.

Training Register

This is an essential part of the evidence trail, showing a record of ongoing training.

Care Card

An induction card is carried conveniently in team members’ pockets for quick and easy use.

Unsafe Card

For attaching to equipment that has become unsafe and/or is in need of repair.

Our Safety Work Kits App

The information in our Work Kit folders are also available as an App on every team member’s mobile phone. Team members can easily access it anytime from anywhere.