It focuses on the idea of non-formal adult education. This new mode, “informal education”, consists of guiding learners without reference to structured learning outcomes. This informal educational learning is the acquisition of knowledge without an imposed framework, such as the learning of new professional skills. (Infed, 2002) [12] If you are an adult who is not entitled to education and training in upper secondary education, you are entitled to an assessment of your formal, informal and non-formal skills if you are referred to the district authorities by the municipal administration or NAV (the Norwegian organisation of work and social protection). District authorities may also screen other adults to determine if they have formal, informal and non-formal skills, but may then charge a fee for this service. As non-formal and informal learning is ongoing, this OECD activity has not been able to address all issues related to non-formal and informal learning in general. In consultation with the participating countries, it was agreed to focus exclusively on the processes that make this non-formal learning visible. Therefore, this OECD activity focuses on the process of formal recognition of non-formal and informal learning. Whether through the award of a full certification, a partial certification, a right of access to the higher education system or to a programme of the formal lifelong learning system or a recognised document (skills portfolio, skills passport, etc.): this activity suggests that people who participate in a procedure for the recognition of their non-formal and informal learning outcomes must receive a document having a social value and widely recognized.

So that they can benefit from it, now or later in life, when you return to the formal lifelong learning system or the labour market. The assumption behind the work reported here is that all learning has value and that most of it deserves to be made visible and recognized. It is a clearly possible option and a plausible alternative to formal education and training to have non-formal and informal learning assessed. The real question is under what conditions unrecognized learning can be codified and lead to the assignment of a document. There are problems of cost and motivation of individuals that are somewhat difficult to solve. You have the right to lodge a complaint if your formal, informal and non-formal qualifications are not recognised. The complaint must be submitted to the government agency that assessed your jurisdiction. When dealing with a complaint concerning the recognition of formal, informal and non-formal qualifications, the rules set out in Chapter 6 of the Public Administration Act apply, unless reference is made to the competence of the complaints body. Education systems exist to promote formal learning that follows a curriculum and is designed in the sense that learning is the goal of all activities in which learners participate.

Learning outcomes are measured through testing and other forms of assessment. Adult migrants learn formally when they take a course in the language of their host community. Based on an analysis of their needs, the course follows a program that specifies the communicative repertoire to be reached by successful learners. The nature and scope of this directory should be reflected in all forms of assessment that accompany the course. In addition, CEDEFOP provided a number of valuable information on national policies and practices on the validation of non-formal and informal learning in the framework of the European Inventory for the Validation of Non-Formal and Informal Learning. There are different approaches to validation between ECU and EU countries, with countries taking different measures. As already mentioned, the EU has standardised validation across the EU through the European guidelines for the validation of non-formal and informal learning published by Cedefop in 2009. Within the OCED countries, the picture is more mixed.

Value of informal education, with particular attention to its contribution to civic education, civic participation and intercultural dialogue and learning, European citizenship, peacebuilding and conflict transformation, secondary study by Sladjana Petkovic Informal learning takes place outside schools and universities and results from the participation of the learner in activities that are not carried out for a purpose learning. Informal learning is involuntary and is an inevitable part of everyday life; For this reason, it is sometimes called experiential learning. Formal or non-formal learning is partly intentional and partly accidental: if we consciously pursue a learning goal, we can`t help but learn things that aren`t part of that goal. However, informal learning is only incidental. The UNESCO Educational Institute organized a seminar on non-formal education in Morocco. The Association for the Development of Education in Africa (ADEA) has launched numerous programmes in the field of non-formal education in at least 15 countries in sub-Saharan Africa. In 2001, the World Bank organized an international seminar on basic education in non-formal programmes. In addition, the World Bank was advised to expand its services to adult and non-formal education. Recently, many international organizations and UNESCO Member States have highlighted the importance of learning that takes place outside of formal learning environments.

This priority prompted UNESCO, through its Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL), to adopt international guidelines for the recognition, validation and accreditation of non-formal and informal learning outcomes in 2012. [16] Emphasis has also been placed on an increasing number of policies and programmes in many Member States and on a gradual shift from pilot projects to large-scale systems such as Portugal, France, Australia, Mauritius and South Africa. [17] The rigid structure of formal schools, mainly due to rules and regulations, rather than focusing on the real needs of students, offers a curriculum that shifts away from the individual and society, and is much more concerned with program delivery than with achieving useful goals. .