[The renewal of a promissory note subjects it to the same stamp duty as an original note.] Like contract law in most countries, the Indian Contract Act of 1872 states that all agreements that meet the essential requirements of free consent, legal consideration, and legal subject matter are valid and enforceable. It is important to note that even oral agreements, which make up a wide range of contracts in India, are contracts that are valid under the law, provided they fulfill the essence of a contract. The Contracts Act does not make it mandatory to stamp agreements, nor does it consider an agreement or contract that is not stamped to be invalid and unenforceable. The agreements therefore do not require mandatory stamping for them to be considered legal and valid. Even if they are not stamped, they are still enforceable against the parties who signed them. In the case of a sale of land encumbered by a mortgage without the beneficiary expressly or implicitly entering into an express or implied obligation to pay the mortgage debt, the stamp of the consideration for the concession, the consideration for which does not include the hypothec, must be appropriate. If the beneficiary agrees to pay the mortgage debt or lands the mortgage debt subject to it, this debt will be correctly estimated as part of the consideration and the stamp will be sized so that it is appropriate to the total value of the land. (Powers of attorney and their instruments exported abroad for use in the United States are subject to the same customs duties as those exported to the United States. The stamp must be affixed and cancelled by the party using it.) The assignment of a mortgage is subject to the same stamp duty as that levied on the original deed; That is, on each sum of $200, or a fraction of the amount secured by the mortgage at the time of the assignment, one or more stamps indicating a tax of 10 cents must be affixed.

The Indian Registration Act provides for the registration of documents, thereby recording the contents of the document. Registration is required to obtain evidence and titles. Some of the agreements referred to in section 17 of the Indian Registration Act are supposed to be mandatory and therefore cannot be entered into without stamp paper. Some of them are: The legislature and the state legislature provide that an unstamped or misstamped document is not enforceable as evidence in court. The following provisions highlight the effect of an insufficiently stamped document: it makes sense to pass on the burden of paying stamp duty to the party paying the consideration under the agreement, since stamp duty is the cost of the object of the contract. The assessment and payment of stamp duty can be made electronically via the stamp valuation and payment system (STAMPS system) of the tax office. As for the duty of the State, it generally varies from one State to another. Nevertheless, there is a general model that is followed. For example, let`s take a look at the stamp duty levied by the Karnataka state government.

In addition to the above documents, the Karnataka State Government imposes stamp duty: liability may be imposed by agreement of one of the parties to the agreement for the payment of stamp duty. Section 29 of the Parliament Act gives the contracting parties the power to decide which of the parties to the agreement is required to pay the stamp duty levied on the contract in question which, in the absence of an agreement, imposes on certain persons the obligation to pay stamp duty. Similarly, Article 30 of the State legislature provides that the parties to the agreement choose which of the parties to the agreement is required to pay the stamp duty levied on the agreement in question and, in the absence of such an agreement, imposes liability on a particular party for the payment of stamp duty. A good rule to follow when recognizing and registering instruments is to note in the confirmation or protocol the amount of stamp duty applied and the date of cancellation. Stamp duty in India is governed by two laws, namely a Stamp Act enacted by Parliament and a Stamps Act enacted by the state legislature. According to Article 246, which is read with Annex VII of the Indian Constitution, Parliament may enact laws concerning stamp duty rates on bills of exchange, cheques, promissory notes, bills of lading, letters of credit, insurance policies, transfers of shares, debentures, powers of attorney and receipts, while the State Legislature may legislate on all the above-mentioned matters. In general, the transfer of real estate may result in significant stamp duty: [N.B. — As a general rule, any certificate that has or may have legal value in a court or equity law requires a stamp duty of 5c.] Bills of exchange (foreign) drawn in the United States but payable from the United States must be stamped with three or more rates.
