Go to the ACU Counseling Center The student brings their leave/recommendations documents to the appointment and shares them with the counselor. After the meeting or session, the advisor will inform the Dean of Students (and, if applicable, the Student`s DR) if it is recommended that the student return to regular university courses and activities. Factors to consider include whether the student poses a threat to himself or others, is able to function effectively in an academic environment, and can do so without creating a disruptive environment. If the student is able to return to class or activities, the Student Advisor and Dean will inform them of the various resources available on campus, including SOAR, ongoing counselling, and academic accommodations through university access programs. This information is intended to provide students with a range of expected outcomes or consequences in the event of a violation of the university`s alcohol policy. Depending on the severity of each violation and at the discretion of the Vice President of Student Life or his agent, the sanctions may differ from those described above. Subject to data protection laws, parents or guardians may be contacted if deemed appropriate. Where can I get more information about studying abroad? If you have specific questions about our application process or programs, please email the Office of Foreign Studies at studyabroad@acu.edu. If you would like to read more information about studying abroad, please visit the U.S. Department of State website. If you would like more information about passports, please see travel.state.gov. For general information about your student`s destination and possible travel options, we recommend investing in some travel guides. What are the fees for the study abroad program? Program fees for full semesters range from $7,000 to $8,000, depending on the goal and duration of the program.

The half-yearly program fee includes flight fees, group excursions, and foreign health insurance. Summer fees range from $5,000 to $7,000, depending on the goal and duration of the program. These include airline tickets, group excursions, foreign health insurance and accommodation. See the details of each program for more information. Consequences for non-compliance with requirements for spiritual education events Students are responsible for monitoring their own credits for online spiritual training events on the myACU portal. The Office of Spiritual Formation and Chapel strongly recommends that students check their SFE balance weekly. Students who have questions or concerns about their balance are asked to contact the Office of Spiritual Education and the Chapel by phone at (325) 674-2867, by email chapel@acu.edu or in person. The office (#29) is located on the lower level of the Campus Center.

At the end of a semester, students who have not earned enough SFE credits will be subject to Chapel`s trial and notified via email of their ACU email account within one week of the finals. Students who are on probation in the chapel can contact the Spiritual Formation Office or the chapel if they have any questions. This process is described in the email and also on the Spiritual Education website under acu.edu/spiritual-formation. ACU is committed to creating a strong Christian environment where students have the opportunity to create appropriate social interaction as young adults and build relationships throughout life. Many forms of dance and cultural expression are adopted by our society, some of which are consistent with our Christian mission and values, while others distract us more from a Christ-centered life. Therefore, in accordance with the Christian mission of the University, only certain forms and places of dance will be considered for approval. Applications for events with dance can be submitted by officially recognized student organizations of the ACU and must be approved by student life. Above all, the ACU encourages members of our community to spread love and grace as some of our students come to different interpretations of scripture in a number of areas. Some will choose to act in a way that is not consistent with the beliefs of the ACU.

While we don`t want this for our students, our first instinct is not to exclude students, but to love, engage and engage them so that they can have a vibrant educational, religious and community experience on our campus. We pray that the Holy Ghost will surround, protect, dwell, and bring every student closer to God. Students receive an official ACU card at the beginning of their academic enrollment at the university. Students are required to have their ID card with them at all times and to present the ID to any university official upon request. Students who fail to present an identity card upon request, use another student`s identity card, allow another student to use an identity card, or falsify information for identification purposes will be subject to a disciplinary response. The ACU ID card issued to each student remains the property of the university and must be returned to student life if a student withdraws or is suspended from the university. Any lost or stolen ID card must be reported to Wildcat Central immediately. Students who choose to withdraw from university do so in two ways, depending on the reason for their withdrawal. Students who wish to withdraw for medical reasons should contact the Office of Student Life on the lower level of the Campus Center. For more information on medical withdrawal symptoms, see below.

For students who want to retire for non-medical reasons, head to Wildcat Central, located on the main level of the Campus Center. To withdraw from certain courses, but not from the university, students should consult the Academic Policy section of this textbook or the university catalogue. The tuition and fee refund policy can be found in the FAQ section of the Registrar`s website. Where can I apply for a passport? The best way to apply for a passport is to download the application form from travel.state.gov. If you have any questions, drop by our office and we will be happy to help you. Each regular daily chapel has fifty-five (55) credits of spiritual formation events required each semester. Additional credits for spiritual formation events are available to students who participate in approved programs at other times (small groups, summits, special speakers, or series). These programs are approved by the Office of Spiritual Formation and Chapel and are listed in the calendar of spiritual formation events in au.edu/spiritual-formation. All spiritual education events earn one (1) credit unless otherwise stated. 15-hour enrollment policy for full semesters: To stay focused on academics abroad, we require that all students enrolling during full semesters be enrolled in at least 15 hours.

Most students need 16 hours as we offer fitness walks at all our locations. If a student has a particular situation or compelling reason to take less than 15 hours during a semester abroad, an official call can be made to Study Abroad`s Executive Director, Stephen Shewmaker, in the form of an official letter. I will be an upper-class man and I will not live on campus when I leave and/or when I return. How can I find an apartment while I`m away, or how can I find someone to sublet my space while I`m away? This can be done by word of mouth. We often receive this question, so we created this form to fill out! This will take you directly to a table of information collected from other people who have filled out the form, and you will be able to make your own connections this way! What vaccines do I need? Currently, the Center for Disease Control does not require additional vaccinations for the UK, Uruguay or Germany, but checks www.cdc.gov for the most up-to-date information. Please consult your GP to make sure you are healthy enough to study abroad and ask if they recommend vaccinations. Students must apply (or reapply) each semester for exceptions. Exemptions must be processed within the first two weeks of a semester or within two weeks of the start of an indicated reason for exemption (new employment, diagnosed chronic illness, etc.). Students must prove the reason for the exemption, for example a letter from the new employer on company letterhead, a medical certificate, etc. The process and forms required for exceptions are available on the Spiritual Formation website under acu.edu/spiritual Formation and at the Spiritual Formation Office/Chapel. Students who do not submit an exemption within the appropriate time frame may not receive recognition for the spiritual formation event and will be subject to other disciplinary action. Guidelines for dropping out of classes after departure during full semesters To maintain our 15-hour requirement and focus on study, we do not allow students to cancel or change courses after departure.

If a student has a particular situation or compelling reason to drop out of a course abroad, a formal call can be made to Study Abroad`s Executive Director, Stephen Shewmaker, in the form of an official letter. I will be in my second year of study when I study or return abroad – how can I arrange my dormitory on campus for the other semester? If you are in your second year of study during the year or semester in which you are studying abroad, dormitory assignments follow the already established ACU housing processes. If this applies to you, you will be contacted separately by ACU Residence Life. If you`re studying abroad in the spring, email ACU Residence Life when it`s time to sign up for accommodation and let them know you only need fall accommodation. You can apply as soon as the application form is available on this site, i.e. approximately two months before the tuition due date for each semester. Students who wish to return from voluntary or involuntary sick leave submit a written statement containing: 1) their request for return; (2) an explanation of what they did during their absence to address the issues that led to their withdrawal; 3) The steps they will take upon their return to maintain a level of well-being necessary to effectively manage stress and academic demands. .