The health agreement builds on USAID`s longstanding support for Egypt`s health priorities through the Development Agency`s partnership with the Ministry of Health and Population. Together, the focus will be on improving healthy behaviours, improving the quality of health care and supporting the Egyptian government in designing policies and programmes by supporting research, monitoring and training in key areas such as voluntary family planning. “These agreements in the health sector; education; trade and investment; and science and technology reflect our strong and enduring partnership with the Ministry of Investment and International Cooperation and our continued commitment to the economic and social inclusion of the Egyptian people,” said Sherry F. Carlin, Mission Director of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) in Egypt. Finally, the Science and Technology Agreement maintains the U.S. commitment to joint research between U.S. and Egyptian scientists. USAID`s work in this area addresses development challenges and fosters economic growth, with a focus on applied scientific research and technology commercialization. USAID`s technical assistance under the agreement will build the capacity of growing Vietnamese small businesses, including those led by vulnerable populations, by facilitating access to competitive technologies, business skills, and capital. The agreement will also further encourage entrepreneurship; Enable deeper connections between Vietnamese startups and enterprises, investment capital and other supporting organizations in international innovation and startup ecosystems; and strengthening the high-quality human capital needed for a robust knowledge-based economy. Through the Higher Education Agreement, America supports Egypt`s priority to align graduates` skills with market needs.

USAID`s work in this new agreement will also help increase the capacity of Egyptian higher education institutions to provide solutions to Egypt`s development challenges. The Trade and Investment Agreement facilitates USAID`s ongoing partnership with the Egyptian government in creating a business environment in which the private sector can grow and become more competitive. This partnership focuses in particular on promoting inclusion and sustainability for micro, small and medium-sized enterprises with a focus on small enterprises that specifically provide jobs for youth and women. To learn more about USAID`s work in Egypt, please read and follow us on Facebook and Twitter at @USAIDEgypt. Commenting on the agreement, U.S. Ambassador to Vietnam Daniel J. Kritenbrink said, “This agreement reflects the United States` continued commitment to support Vietnam`s efforts to become a more open, innovative, and inclusive economy. By working closely with the Vietnamese government, we can ensure that USAID`s development assistance is in line with our two countries` shared vision for a prosperous and independent Vietnam. HANOI, 15.

APRIL, 2020 /PRNewswire/ — Today, the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and the Vietnamese Ministry of Planning and Investment (MPI) effectively signed a $42 million agreement to boost Vietnam`s economic competitiveness by strengthening private sector competitiveness, innovation and start-up ecosystems, and human capital. Cairo – Egypt and the United States signed four bilateral amendments to the $59 million aid deal through the U.S. Agency for International Development on Aug. 4. This assistance will support Egypt`s development priorities in the areas of health, higher education, trade, investment, science and technology. In line with Egypt`s Sustainable Development Strategy Vision 2030, the agreements promote inclusive and business-oriented development. .