2.4. Free Trial. If Customer registers for a Free Trial, BigMarker will provide Customer with the applicable Trial Offer free of charge until the earlier of: (a) the end of the Free Trial Period for which Customer has registered to use the applicable Offer; or (b) the start date of any Paid Subscription ordered by Customer for that Offering; or (c) termination by BigMarker in its sole discretion. Additional terms may appear in the free trial registration. These additional terms are incorporated by reference into this Agreement and are legally binding. 3.4. Restrictions on Use. The customer only has the rights to the offers expressly granted to him in accordance with this contract. 12.1.

Entire Agreement. This Agreement, together with the Orders containing the terms contained herein, constitutes the entire agreement and understanding and supersedes all prior and contemporaneous agreements, understandings and understandings (written or oral) between the parties with respect to the subject matter of this Agreement, including the terms contained in the Orders. and can only be modified or supplemented if there is a written instrument that has been correctly executed by the customer and bigMarker. This Agreement is not superseded by the terms contained in an invoice, order, confirmation, confirmation or “shrink film” or “click” license, whether signed or not by the parties. This written agreement (the “Agreement”) is between Karole Morgan-Prager (“Employee” or “You”) and BlackLine, Inc. (the “Company” or “We”). This Agreement will be effective on the date you sign this letter as set forth below. The purpose of this letter is to confirm the current terms of your employment. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of England and Wales. The parties irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales with respect to any dispute or claim arising out of or relating to this Agreement or its subject matter or formation (including any non-contractual dispute or claim).

Nothing in this Agreement prevents or limits the ability of either party to seek an appropriate remedy (including an injunction) in a court of competent jurisdiction. The United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods does not apply. 2.2. Changes by BigMarker. You acknowledge that BigMarker may change the features and functionality of the Platform(s) during the Subscription Term. BigMarker will inform the Customer in connection with the negotiation with commercially reasonable notice of any devaluation of any hardware feature or functionality. This Agreement is between Ziflow Limited, a company registered in England and Wales (Ziflow), and the Customer who accepts these Terms (Customer). 11.2. Early Cancellation. Customer may terminate a Subscription prematurely at Customer`s discretion, provided that BigMarker does not refund any prepaid fees or unused Subscription Fees and will promptly pay any outstanding fees due up to the end of the Subscription Term. To cancel a subscription, see the “Term and Renewal” section above. 10.1.

Indemnification by BigMarker. To exercise your rights with respect to your personal data, or if you have any questions regarding this Statement, please email BlackLine`s security administrator at PrivacyRequest@blackline.com or send us an email to: BlackLine collects information, including personal data, from users of the hosted service (“User Information”). “User Information” does not include Customer Data as defined above in this Statement. Access to the Hosted Service is subject to the terms of a Master Subscription Agreement or similar agreement between BlackLine and the party or organization that subscribed to the Hosted Service. All user information provided through the hosted service is subject to this Statement, unless otherwise stated in the Subscription Master Agreement. .