The State will take reasonable steps to adapt the application process, workplace and/or working environment so that qualified persons with disabilities can apply and/or continue to work in the State. Public Safety and Protection Services: Employees who protect state lands and buildings, provide emergency services, issue licenses or permits, arrest people who violate criminal or administrative laws, and protect the public from fraudulent practices and plans. Employees designated as titles of direction, supervision, confidentiality or other excluded designations are not covered by collective agreements. CalHR is responsible for defining the wages, hours of work and terms and conditions of employment of these employees. If you think you have been harassed or feel threatened, you should seek help from your supervisor or equal opportunity officer/advisor. Some state departments are excluded, such as the California Department of Human Resources, the Employment Public Relations Board, and certain employees of the Office of the State Comptroller, the State Athletic Commission, the Department of Finance, and the Department of Industrial Relations. The actual negotiations take place at meetings limited to state negotiators and bargaining unit negotiators. CalHR leads the management`s bargaining team, which includes industrial relations staff from other departments. Vote on ratification of basic collective agreements Another category of workers excluded from collective bargaining is called “exempt” workers. This category includes appointees who are exempt from the public service.

Collective agreements, also known as memoranda of understanding (MOUs), between workers` organizations (unions) and the state define the wages, hours of work, and terms and conditions of employment that affect workers assigned to one of the state`s 21 bargaining units. The state encourages the use of telework as a work option if management believes it brings practical benefits to the agency. The State has a drug-free workplace policy, including drug testing for employees in sensitive positions. Some state agencies are also required to meet federal drug and alcohol testing requirements for commercial drivers. All excluded and exempt government employees who are peace officers and newly hired employees of Collective Bargaining Unit 6 who are peace officers are randomly tested for drugs and alcohol. To ensure a safe environment for employees and the public, government agencies must have a workplace violence prevention program. Acts or threats of violence, harassment, intimidation or other disruptive behaviour will not be tolerated. Senior managers, supervisors and trusted employees are excluded from collective bargaining under the Dills Act. Instead, the Bill of Rights of Excluded Employees, passed in 1990, requires CalHR to meet with and consult with organizations representing these “excluded” employees about their wages, hours and working conditions. While CalHR receives feedback from these organizations, it does not negotiate employment contracts with them or enter into formal agreements. Below are details on ongoing negotiations and existing employment contracts with each bargaining unit. Select your bargaining unit below for more information.

CalHR manages non-merit aspects of the state`s human resources system, such as collective bargaining, industrial relations, wage and benefits management, working hours and conditions, training, performance evaluations, layoffs and complaints. Ratification of the Memorandum of Understanding. To come into force, declarations of intent must be ratified by the members of the collective bargaining unit and the legislator. Ratification of legislation may take place in the Budget Act or in other laws. Under the Dill Act, after ratification, Parliament can generally decide whether funds should be made available in the budget to maintain the financial provisions of a Memorandum of Understanding. When a MOU expires, its provisions usually remain in effect until a new MOU is ratified. Each unit consists of employees who perform similar or related tasks with a community of interest in wages, hours of work and working conditions. Bargaining units elect a workers` organization that has the exclusive right to represent the workers of that unit in negotiations with the state or in an adverse measure.

Pension benefits for unionized workers are determined by collective bargaining. UC has entered into agreements with several unions to accept the Retirement Choice program outlined by the Regents. UC will negotiate in good faith with other unions. Until the negotiation process is complete, members of other unions will be covered by the provisions of their existing employment contracts. For more details, please consult your collective agreement and the corresponding pension documents. The button above leads to a list of the 21 bargaining units. Click on any unit to get a brief description of the type of work done by the members of that unit. Below the description, you will find the contract, also known as a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), between the Crown and the bargaining unit. The State Constitution and the Code of Government establish procedures for the civil service. The California Department of Human Resources (CalHR) issues regulations based on these constitutional and legal approvals.

In addition, the guidelines are set out in collective agreements. Office and Allies: Employees who provide significant support for the main professional, technical or administrative objectives of each state department or agency. Once calHR and the union have agreed on a new contract – called a “provisional agreement” until it is ratified – the legislature must vote on its economic provisions and any legislative changes it needs to implement it. Once the legislature has given its approval, the agreement is submitted to the Governor for signature. The union also submits the agreement to its members in the collective bargaining unit for ratification. The new treaty will be implemented after it has been ratified by the union, approved by the legislature and signed by the governor. Excluded workers are employees who do not have the right to collective bargaining under the Ralph C. Dills Act (Dills Act).

In general, we call these employees senior, confidential and managerial employees. The objective of negotiations between CalHR and each bargaining unit is to reach an agreement on a contract that covers a certain period of time. The contract, also known as a Memorandum of Understanding or Memorandum of Understanding, sets out the terms and conditions of employment of that particular entity, including any salary or benefit increases. More than 200,000 people work for a department or agency in the state of California (other than a university). The Dills Act authorized collective bargaining between these officials and the governor. Government employees (with the exception of managers and some others) are organized into 21 collective bargaining units and are represented by trade unions. The Governor is represented by the California Department of Human Resources. The product of the collective bargaining process is a memorandum of understanding. The Memoranda of Understanding shall lay down the conditions of employment. Various laws establish collective bargaining for university employees and other public servants. As a result of recent collective bargaining, a number of existing agreements between the State and the workers` organizations represented have been amended by ancillary agreements.

New agreements have also been concluded for tariff units whose contracts are about to expire. In general, these Memoranda of Understanding (MOUs) and/or cover letters provide the necessary budget savings through reductions in employee compensation. Links to these memoranda of understanding and cover letters are listed below. Tax analyses of declarations of intent. Since 2005, state law has required the Office of the Legislative Analyst to prepare budgetary analyses of proposed memoranda of understanding. These analyses and information on the state workforce and the collective bargaining process are available by clicking on the links on the left side of the screen. CalHR has the right to adjust the compensation of employees who are not covered by collective bargaining. The Administration is in the process of developing the compensation plan for excluded employees for the 2020-21 fiscal year. This information is published after the budget has been signed.

The University of California works hard to build professional relationships and negotiate fair agreements with the 15 unions that represent more than 77,000 of our employees. The university strives to offer some of the most attractive compensation, benefits and opportunities that make it an employer of choice. Representation of ordinary employees in negotiations The State is an equal opportunity employer. It is the state`s policy that its workforce must be representative of California`s diverse population. .